Become a Member!
Single Membership - $20
Two Adults (same address) - $25
Family - $30
Dues are collected once a year.

Thank you for your interest in joining the Irish American Society of Richmond. In becoming a member, you create many opportunites to: meet people with similar interests, stay up to date on the latest Irish American culural news, and pay hommage to our heritage.

The fiscal health of the Irish American Society of Greater Richmond is only one aspect that makes our club as strong as it is. Dues go towards Irish Cultural activities within Richmond and often secure discounts on IAS trips and events.
Membership Benefits
IAS newsletter
Irish Genealogy Programs
IAS Program Meetings
Gaelic Studies Program
Participation in Irish and Celtic Festivals
IAS Christmas Party
IAS Summer Picnic
And much, more!

For more information about membership benefits, cost, and meetings please visit the membership page or email any questions to our Membership Coordinator.
Denis Maguire
14008 Summercliff Trail
Chesterfield, VA 23832